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To bring the saving power of Jesus our Lord to all of man.  And to restore man back to the God-given rights that were given to him by the King of Heaven.  By serving the whole man: spirit, soul, and body; to teach him how to reign and rule again in every part of his life; so that he himself may empower others that need the same help.












Our History



In the beginning, a zealous young man was conversing with a friend, and at that time, James Bennett did not realize God was opening doors to greatness unknown. 


James Bennett was ordained a minister of the gospel in 1977 under the covering of his pastor, Pastor Bob Inman at First Christian Fellowship in Greenville, SC. As Minister Bennett began his journey in the ministry, he was led to Anderson College in 1978 where a Bible Study was started with Minister Bennett as the teacher.  Realizing God had more for him to do, along with being a husband and a father, Minister Bennett continued on.


On his way home one day, he discovered two youths fighting.  He stopped, parked his car, and started talking to them.  He told them that Jesus loved them.  He told them to go to his mother-in-law’s house and another Bible Study began on her back porch.  The Bible Study began to grow and moved around from house to house.










Then, in 1981, ChristianFellowship Outreach was founded.  God was preparing Minister Bennett to become a Pastor.  With a lot of hard work and not a lot of money, a house was rented so that the ministry would have a sanctuary.  It had limited space but the ministry continued to grow and Minister Bennett continued being tutored by his Pastor and Bible Study teacher.  By faith, Pastor Bennett began making a difference in a countless number of lives.  As Pastor of Christian Fellowship Outreach, he continued seeking the Lord through prayer and fasting.  Later in 1981, Christian Fellowship Outreach was incorporated into New Beginning Ministries International.  


With much faith, the church has endured and multiplied.  In 2001, the ministry moved into a beautiful sanctuary, with future plans to build additional buildings, including a school.


The mission of New Beginning Ministry is to restore one’s family, finances, and fellowship through faith. This mission will guide us as we continue to move forward, from 2007until the coming of the Lord, doing the Will of God.






Church’s Vision

“Winning You to Win the World”

New Beginning Ministries is called to be a teaching center. A place to develop Christians ( Ask
Apostle does he want that word) to the maturity that they may come into the full measure and stature of the
Kingdom of God. We were called into the black community to teach and to get into the realm of
New Beginning Ministries is a teaching center and an outreach ministry; reaching out to prisons,
nursing homes, and especially to people on the streets hurting and confused. We believe that it is God’s
perfect will for today. Jesus(do he want that word) said the poor have the gospel preached to them,
and the brokenhearted he will mend, and that the acceptable year of jubilee should be preached.
Our pastors also have the vision of 500 or more members at New Beginning Ministries at one
time. We will have classrooms to train our children from K through 12th grade. There will be a Bible
College and an exchange student program. The exchange program will give students the opportunity to
learn about other cultures and broaden their understanding. We will train our children to be
productive citizens in whatever area of ministry God calls them in. This is one of the reasons we are not
just a church. Many people go to church, but have no intentions of being in the area of ministry.
To stress the love of the Kingdom of God, a soup kitchen will be provided to feed the hungry and
we will have a place to clothe the naked. Some people will not come to you unless you learn to feed
them. Jesus fed the multitude. He did not just give them spiritual food. He gave them natural things also,
because our world is a natural place.

There will be an Evangelistic Outreach Center, a radio and television training center, a music and
studio recording center, and a place for senior citizens who do not want to just sit around all day and
die. We want to encourage them to live and be an instrument; a tool to minister life to others. Just as
the four men who had Leprosy got up and went into the city, so shall our elderly get up and go. There
are other elderly that are dying without God, just waiting to be rescued.

We will also have around the clock prayer and intercessory counseling. There will be at least
eight (8) churches established throughout the surrounding states. Theses are centers that God has
called our pastor to open in order to minister life to everyone that he comes in contact with.
As ambassadors of the Kingdom of God, we need to understand the purpose of what God has
called us into. It is vitally important that New Beginning Ministries knows what the vision is. The vision
is to win others to win the world; to win the loss, feed the hungry, clothe the naked, visit those in
prisons and hospitals , educate them in spiritual things, send them out into the world to preach the
gospel , and bring in the harvest that Jesus talked about.

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